Why You Should Advertise on Free Job Posting Sites?

Free Job Posting Sites: A Valuable Resource, Not a Waste of Time

It is often heard that recruiters should steer clear of free job posting sites due to the perception that the candidates they attract are unqualified, that posting on such sites is excessively time-consuming, and that managing candidate responses is a daunting task. However, such advice is misguided, and following it may even harm your business.

Free job posting sites such as: IndeedGlassdoor should unquestionably be an integral part of your recruitment strategy. In this essay, we will explore the reasons why and debunk some of the misleading rhetoric surrounding this topic.

Discovering Qualified Candidates on Free Job Sites

It is frequently asserted that free job posting sites fail to deliver qualified candidates. According to one recent statistic, more than half of the candidates from free job boards are considered underqualified. However, it is important to consider that this still means nearly half of the candidates acquired without cost possess the qualifications required for the job. This represents a substantial return on investment considering the zero-dollar expense.

Avoid Feeling Overwhelmed by Applicants

Reviewing applications can become overwhelming and time-consuming if you are utilizing your inbox, spreadsheets, or an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) with an inefficient user interface. This is precisely why your recruitment software should be user-friendly. An ATS should empower you to review resumes efficiently, allocate more time to evaluating candidates, and reduce time spent on administrative tasks such as button-clicking and screen-switching.

Personalizing Rejection Notifications

It is commonly suggested that due to the volume of applicants from free job boards:

  1. You won’t be able to inform all candidates of your decision, which may negatively impact your employer brand.
  2. Rejection emails might come across as cold or impersonal, further damaging your employer brand.

However, these arguments can be dismissed as condescending. The solution is simple: send notification emails. Join the majority of companies that notify candidates of their rejection – a courtesy that enhances the candidate experience. This does not necessitate composing lengthy messages to each applicant; timely and respectful communication will be appreciated.

Don’t Let Lower Conversion Rates Deter You

As a former recruiter, I understand that it often takes longer to find, contact, receive responses from, and engage a sourced candidate compared to screening multiple job board applicants. While the conversion rate of sourced candidates might be higher, disregarding free job sites solely based on this metric is unfounded and may cause you to miss out on qualified applicants.

Building Your Candidate Database with Free Job Boards

A spreadsheet or an unwieldy ATS can indeed complicate the hiring process when dealing with a large number of candidates. However, the solution is not to dismiss free job sites altogether. If your recruitment software struggles to differentiate between qualified and underqualified candidates from free job sites, it’s advisable to reevaluate your software rather than the job board itself.

Rejecting the Notion of Exclusively Sourcing Candidates

The idea of concentrating all efforts on sourcing candidates is misguided. No single channel can reach every candidate, passive or active. Embracing a variety of channels in your recruitment strategy is more effective. Rejecting candidates from free job boards, especially those actively seeking employment, is unwise. Good candidates explore job opportunities across various platforms, including job boards.

Incorporating employee referrals, sourcing, and recruiting agency support when needed are all valid strategies. However, utilizing job boards, including free ones, is equally important. Embrace the resources available to you.

A Comprehensive Recruitment Strategy with User-Friendly Software

Your recruitment should facilitate all of these strategies within a single platform. So don’t limit your approach, consider the reasons why thousands of companies have chosen Hot Job Ads. We would be delighted to discuss how we can enhance your recruitment efforts.



The statistics speak volumes, with a significant proportion of candidates emerging from sites like Indeed, Glassdoor and Workopolis meeting and often exceeding the desired qualifications. This alone refutes the misguided notion that free job posting sites are synonymous with subpar candidates.

Yet, their worth extends beyond the quality of talent they attract. The accessibility and cost-effectiveness of these platforms make them an irresistible proposition. They empower recruiters to engage with an extensive talent pool without straining their budget. This democratization of recruitment levels the playing field, enabling both burgeoning startups and established conglomerates to compete for top-tier candidates.

Moreover, the true brilliance of free job posting sites shines when they are seamlessly woven into a comprehensive recruitment strategy. Their synergy with other methods, such as networking, employee referrals, and social media outreach, amplifies their impact. The result is a harmonious orchestra of recruitment efforts that creates a symphony of success.

In conclusion, free job posting sites hold substantial value for recruiters and should not be dismissed based on misconceptions. By leveraging these platforms, recruiters can attract qualified candidates, manage applications efficiently, and maintain a diverse and effective recruitment strategy.

Hot Job Ads

Hot Job Ads Inc. owns and operates the Hot Job Ads brand of online employment websites, offering a platform for both job seekers and employers to communicate easily and effectively. The websites enable employers to post job openings, which job seekers can search for and apply to. Additionally, it serves as a great marketplace for companies and customers to meet. Hot Job Ads Inc. also provides branding tools and open links to company websites. This is in line with our methodology and belief in openness. As consumers benefit from discounts and special promos offered by the companies we work with, everyone benefits.

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